FAA 2023 General Aviation Survey responses due Friday, Jul. 12

July 9, 2024

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The FAA’s 46th annual General Aviation and Part 135 Activity Survey (GA Survey) is now underway, reporting on calendar year 2023. The GA Survey is the only source of information on the general aviation fleet, the number of hours flown, and the ways people use general aviation aircraft.

Data from this survey are used by governmental agencies and industry to:

  • Compute safety metrics, such as fatal accidents rates
  • Understand the impact of the GA industry on jobs, economic output, and investments in aviation infrastructure
  • Track the success of safety initiatives, including avionics recommendations
  • Determine funding for infrastructure and service needs
  • Assess the impact of regulatory changes.

The FAA and industry need accurate data on a broad range of aircraft. Surveys have been sent to a sample of aircraft owners and operators. Participation is voluntary, but we need your help. We encourage everyone who is contacted to respond to the survey so that all aviation activity is represented.

GA and Part 135 Activity Survey Basics

To provide more information about the survey, Tetra Tech, the independent research firm that has been conducting an annual survey for the FAA for 20 years, compiled this FAQ list.

Q: Are responses confidential?

Yes, the information will only be used for statistical purposes and will not be published or released in any form that would reveal an individual participant.

Q: How are participants contacted?

Participants that are selected will receive an email or postcard invitation asking them to complete the survey online. A mail survey is sent to those not completing online, which includes a postage-paid return envelope.

Q: Is it easy to complete the survey?

Yes! It only takes 10-15 minutes to complete the survey, which you can do online or on a survey form that will be mailed to you with a postage-paid envelope. Or, call Tetra Tech toll-free at 1-800-826-1797!

Q: I didn’t fly my aircraft in 2023. Do I still need to complete the survey?

Yes, please respond even if you did not fly your aircraft during 2023, sold it, or if the aircraft was damaged.

Will I receive a survey form for each aircraft I own?

There is an abbreviated survey form for owners/operators for three or more aircraft. Contact Tetra Tech toll-free at 1-800-826-1797 or email infoaviationsurvey@tetratech.com.

I did this last year. Why am I receiving the survey again?

Several groups of aircraft are surveyed every year to better understand aviation activity of high-use groups, such as turbine aircraft, rotorcraft, newer aircraft, and Alaska-based aircraft.

Who should I contact if I have more questions?

Please contact Tetra Tech toll-free at 1-800-826-1797 or email infoaviationsurvey@tetratech.com.

Q: How many aircraft are sampled annually?

More than 80,000, or about 30% of the population, but the sample includes smaller proportions of some aircraft. Participation across all types of aircraft is critical to success!

Q: Where can I find survey results from previous years?

For more information, visit www.faa.gov/data_research/aviation_data_statistics/general_aviation.