The ICAO Flight Operations Panel, of which VAI is a member, met this week in Montreal. VAI Senior Director of Operations and International Affairs Chris Martino appears in the third row from the bottom, second from the left, in red tie. ICAO Flight Ops Panel considers working papers on standards, practices VAI is one of the body’s more than 30 members from across the worldwide aviation industry. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Flight Operations Panel, of which VAI is a member, met this week in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, to evaluate several working papers addressing a wide range of ICAO standards and recommended practices. The panel, which meets once or twice annually on an as-needed basis, comprises more than 30 members from across the global aviation industry. Content considered by the panel can include a wide range of operational topics related to helicopters as well as fixed-wing and remotely piloted aircraft. In addition to being a member of the panel, VAI is represented on the body’s helicopter subgroup, which addresses issues specifically related to helicopters. The Flight Operations Panel closely collaborates with several other ICAO panels that address topics such as pilot training and licensing, instrument procedures, infrastructure design and operations, and other subjects. The panel is dedicated to developing and enhancing provisions related to flight operations to ensure that they reflect current and emerging requirements, opportunities, and developments in modern technology.