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Violas Flight Reports

Jul. 2, 2020

Viola's Flight Report (July 2020)

Magazine Articles

Jul. 1, 2020

AHIA Signs On as HAI International Partner

HAI is pleased to announce the launch of the International Partnership Program to enhance safety and cooperation across the worldwide vertical lift community. This program will benefit the entire rotorcraft industry by promoting common safety and operational standards and best practices, and by facilitating a collaborative approach to building and sustaining the global industry.

Magazine Articles

Jun. 27, 2020

Are You Prepared for Flight after COVID?

Operations both small and large have experienced a lower volume of flights because of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as layoffs and furloughs. In this environment, keeping your skills current can be challenging.

To learn what pilots are doing now to get ready for flight after the pandemic, we surveyed our readers anonymously. Specifically, we inquired about their companies’—and their own—investment in training and the effect the virus has had on their employment and proficiency status.


Jun. 25, 2020

HAI@Work: President to President, A Conversation with Dan Schultz of Sikorsky

During the HAI@Work webinar on June 25, 2020, HAI president and CEO James Viola held a candid discussion with Dan Schultz, president of Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company, on Sikorsky’s response to the COVID pandemic, the company’s outlook for its commercial and military markets, and much more! Watch until the end for a dynamic Q&A. […]

Magazine Articles

Jun. 22, 2020

Safety Needs a Safety Culture

SMS works when people are empowered to act on safety.

I once asked one of our veteran aviation investigators what the toughest part of his job was. His response: seeing in accident investigations the same safety deficiencies over and over again that, for some reason, haven’t been addressed.

Spotlight on Safety

Jun. 20, 2020

Fly IFR the Right Way, or Stay on the Ground!


Jun. 19, 2020

HAI@Work Webinar: Ask Jim Viola

Magazine Articles

Jun. 19, 2020

Seeking Translational Lift

Use this moment to prepare for better times.